One morning before school Sadie was just in an incredibly happy mood and was giggling like crazy and trying to sit up, and get up on her knees. She was so full of energy. As I was playing with her I got this crazy idea to try having her sit in a chair, just to see what she would do. I've tried this many times before, and she never was going for it, always arching and "telling me off". But this time, lo and behold, she sat there beautifully! When she would start to wobble, she would catch herself, making small corrections to her form. She would look all around at what was going on. Followed the cat as he walked by and even giggled as the cats tail brushed on her hand. She sat there for almost 10 min. Just observing her world. It was an amazing sight. One that I wasn't sure I'd ever see. But once again, Sadie is always full of surprises and amazes me everyday. This is one of the best gifts that a special needs child will give you... daily surprises. You don't know when they will come, but when they do, your heart just grows and grows with pride and excitement and it almost feels like it will burst. I wish everyone could experience this feeling.
This is the chair. No arms, no seat belt, no pummel for between her legs to keep her from sliding. Just a typical chair. I was told my daughter would never achieve the typical milestone to sit or balance. She was going to be a "vegetable". Well look at her now Dr's!