April 24, 2013

A happy post (It's about time, right?)

   Do I dare say this out loud?  Not sure, but I will anyway.  My little girl is healthy and happy.  It has been a month since we were at the hospital and we have had no issues.  I thought she might have been getting sick cause she was sooo sleepy for a few days, had a little runny nose, and was very cranky but she fought it off like a pro.  Thank goodness!  Or maybe she was teething.  That would make me cranky and want to sleep the pain away. I don't know how to explain it, but I really feel like she is in the clear for awhile and good things are coming her way.
   Miss Sadie has been coming into her own lately.  She is happy, working on milestones, gaining weight (still slow but it's better then none), tolerating her food better and she is starting to show her little personality more.  I love it.  She is starting to "play games" with us.  For example, last night I was putting her to bed and I was cleaning her eyes and putting her eye drops in.  She allowed me to do her right eye and then when I turned her head to do her left eye she turned her head away from me real fast and smiled, so I moved it back again.  She turned her head away from me fast, smiled and laughed.  I thought "is she meaning to do this?"  I turned her head again, the same thing.  This happened like five or six times in a row.  Each time she laughed harder and harder.  I started to cry (tears of joy) and laugh because it is typical toddler behavior.  Sadie doesn't do typical.  This is typical and for a moment it made me forget about all my other worries for her.  Sadie always has the perfect timing and she always makes me appreciate and cherish the little things in life.
  Although I didn't capture this moment, I caught another one of her sweet moments and thought I would share her contagious little laugh with everyone.  Enjoy!

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