After my husband and I got a grip on everything that was truly going on with Sadie after she was born we made a vow to her that we would treat her just like our other two girls. We will give her the same experiences and opportunities. Yes, we will need to adapt some things but we will not treat her like she is broken, because she is not broken. Someone asked me once "why it was so important to you" (FYI I wanted to punch this person). My reply "because she is human, can experience happiness, she deserves to be treated equally, and there is no reason not to include her in everything (unless it would be detrimental to her health)". Now, I'm also not naïve. I understand that things that may be fun and happy for us, may mean absolutely nothing to her. However, she has two typically developing sisters that know what fun and happiness mean to them. What makes them happy, they assume will make Sadie happy and they always want Sadie to be happy. It's important to us to keep things as normal for them as we can, so we go along with just about anything those, two crazy sisters come up with. To them, Sadie is no different then any of their friends little sisters. They know that she has some differences, but they don't understand the depth of these differences.
Today, we went to Chuck E Cheese. The girls were so excited because Sadie has never been there. They kept pointing out different games and rides to her. Sadie could care less but it was important to Chloe and Aubrie to show them to her. She was more excited to look at all the bright, colorful, flashing lights. The girls wanted Sadie to ride on the rides with them. Sadie really wasn't into that either, she went along with it once and then told us no on the rest of the attempts.
Sadie's enjoyment came in watching the lights. But to the girls, Sadie's enjoyment came in going to Chuck E Cheese for the first time and seeing all the games and rides. This is one of the many things I love about my girls. They treat Sadie no differently then they treat each other. They are wiser then most people out there. Yet, another lesson learned from Sadie. :) We are so lucky to have her in our family to be able to teach important life skills in non verbal lessons.
Today, we went to Chuck E Cheese. The girls were so excited because Sadie has never been there. They kept pointing out different games and rides to her. Sadie could care less but it was important to Chloe and Aubrie to show them to her. She was more excited to look at all the bright, colorful, flashing lights. The girls wanted Sadie to ride on the rides with them. Sadie really wasn't into that either, she went along with it once and then told us no on the rest of the attempts.
Sadie's enjoyment came in watching the lights. But to the girls, Sadie's enjoyment came in going to Chuck E Cheese for the first time and seeing all the games and rides. This is one of the many things I love about my girls. They treat Sadie no differently then they treat each other. They are wiser then most people out there. Yet, another lesson learned from Sadie. :) We are so lucky to have her in our family to be able to teach important life skills in non verbal lessons.
Aubrie will never smile with her teeth showing. She makes me laugh. It so matches her personality.
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