No more tubes, no more wires, no more hospital!
Sadie was released this morning. Just 5 days after having open heart surgery! We were told to plan on staying for 10-14 days. She completely proved the Dr's wrong and rocked this admission. Not a surprise, really. She's always proving them wrong and surprising us.
I spoke to Sadie's surgeon and he said that Sadie has done way better then he ever could have expected. "This was a perfect text book case. No complications. It was the perfect uncomplicated case of a complicated child". I laughed. The word uncomplicated has never been used in any sentence that describes anything that has to deal with Sadie.
Thank goodness we were released today. Sadie had no desire to sleep last night. She was up until 4am. Mostly just content, looking at all her stuff . She loved watching her own monitor of her heart rate, o2 level, respiratory rate. I think she liked the bright lights and the movement. I actually had to cover it with a blanket, because she wouldn't stop watching it.
Sadie is so happy to be home. Completely content, all smiles. She found her best friends, her feet.
Sadie was released this morning. Just 5 days after having open heart surgery! We were told to plan on staying for 10-14 days. She completely proved the Dr's wrong and rocked this admission. Not a surprise, really. She's always proving them wrong and surprising us.
I spoke to Sadie's surgeon and he said that Sadie has done way better then he ever could have expected. "This was a perfect text book case. No complications. It was the perfect uncomplicated case of a complicated child". I laughed. The word uncomplicated has never been used in any sentence that describes anything that has to deal with Sadie.
Sadie is so happy to be home. Completely content, all smiles. She found her best friends, her feet.
Now on to my thank yous. My first thank you is to God. For holding my beautiful baby girl in his arms and keeping her safe and not being ready to bring her home with him. For listening to everyones prayers. For giving her surgeon steady hands, a big heart and the knowledge to know how to fix my baby's heart. My second thank you goes to all of you. For continuing to give our family support. For sending prayers and encouraging words our way. From the very beginning of our journey with Sadie, you guys have all been there and that means the world to us. For all the fundraising that many of you have either put together or participated in. That has taken a large burden off of us and has given us more time and energy to concentrate on our 3 girls. And for taking care of my two other girls so they felt loved, cared for, and important. My third thank you goes to Dr Marcus Haw, Sadie's cardiothoracic surgeon. He is so very knowledgeable, has steady hands, very calm, a big heart, and great bedside manner. He listened to all my concerns and took into consideration all of Sadie's past complications from surgery's and her high risk of respiratory complications. He was proactive and took his time in the progression of Sadie's recovery. Nothing was rushed and he let her go at her own speed. I would recommend him to anybody who has a child with a congenital heart defect (or any heart problem) that needs to be fixed. He is amazing and works out of Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI. And forth I want to thank Chloe and Aubrie for being the most easy going, unselfish, caring little girls that they are. Never once did they complain that we had to stay with Sadie. Never once did they complain that Sadie was getting a lot of attention. Never once did they complain about having to go with another person. They did state that they were homesick and they couldn't wait for Sadie to come home, but even with that being said they didn't throw a fit when going to their next destination. I could not be more proud of those little girls.
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