Chloe starts second grade
Aubrie starts kindergarten!
The girls were so excited to start school. Even though they had a fun and busy summer, they were ready to go back. Especially Aubrie. She just thinks she is hot stuff because she gets to ride the bus "without mom". That's what she tells everybody when they talk to her about school.
Waiting for the bus
Do you see that confident, happy little face? No tears from her!
I, however, was a nervous wreck for her. Aubrie is always excited to try new things and is so confident, but as soon as an adult talks to her, her head goes down and not a word comes out of her mouth. I could just picture my baby going into the school, getting lost, and too afraid to talk to any adult. I know, it was all in my head and I'm sure those teachers, principal, and school workers all are experts at recognizing kindergartners, but... she is still my baby. I think Chloe picked up on my nervousness for Aubrie because she said to me "Mom I'll point Aubrie down the kindergarten hall after we get off the bus so she knows where to go". *sigh of relief* Thank God for Chloe! She is such a little, second mommy to her sisters. Aubrie over heard that conversation though and says "you don't have too, I know where I am going. I walk in the doors, go down the hallway, past the computer lab, past the cafeteria, past the library, and then turn left down the kindergarten hall. I know where I am going *with a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head and hips*". Oh that girl! Love that confident girl with her attitude.
After school they were a little hyper and silly.
Love those two smiles!
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