A few weeks ago we were at a family gathering trying to do a family picture with about 45 relatives or so. It was hot and humid, with a misty rain too. Sadie was having a hard time regulating her temp. And because of the time restraint that we had with the photographer, we had to move quickly from one place and position to another. Two things that Sadie hates. She was one very, very unhappy child. I haven't seen the pics yet, but I'm pretty darn sure they are the worst pictures taken of our family. But that's ok, it was my grandmas wish to have a big family picture taken.
After it was all said and done I stripped Sadie down to her diaper, left her alone for awhile. After about an hour of her telling us off in her own way, she finally calmed down. She took a little nap and then became her happy little self that she normally is.
Later, it became a really nice evening so we went outside to watch all the kids running around and fishing in the pond. She loves to watch the action. Then I noticed that Sadie was trying to sit up. She's been doing this a lot lately. She curves her body around and then leans up on her elbow. If she would just put her hand down she would push herself right up into the sitting position. *sigh* Someday this little girl will get over her hand sensitivity and use them. But for now we will work with what we have.
These pics are not from that day, but it shows you how she moves her body around to the sitting position and then uses her elbow and sometimes even her head to start the sitting process.

As you can see, she curves her body to the right and then she "gets stuck" and can't go any further so from that point I usually guide her body into the sitting position. On this day, I did exactly that. I held my hand on her thigh and waste to steady her and usually at that point she throws herself backward and starts laughing. Well that day, I noticed that she was concentrating on the ground. There was no smiles, no throwing herself back, but a very serious face. Then I saw her put her hands down on the ground and hold her upper body up. SHE DID IT!! SHE USED HER HANDS! A miracle has happened. My heart was a thumping so hard (I realized later that I was holding my breath, lol) I didn't want to move, but I wanted proof that this moment was happening. I called to my sister, told her to move slow so she didn't scare Sadie and told her to start taking pictures. I needed to get this moment on camera.
Proof that she did it. She touched the ground with her hands and she wasn't complaining.
Sadie didn't stop there. Oh no, she took it one step further. After I had my sister take these pics and I got over the shock of the moment, I noticed she was still concentrating super hard, slowly I took my hand off her thigh and guess what?! SHE DID IT! She sat unassisted for almost a minute.
View from the front.
I had to get the a pic from all angles to remember this moment.. I was so happy for her. She conquered one of her fears. She is hitting a milestone right in front of my eyes. I seriously can't describe the feeling I get when she accomplishes these moments, these fears, these milestones. It is like no other feeling in the world.
Sadie was smiling so big. She knows when she accomplishes things and is proud of herself.
(By the way, she did this about 4 times that evening)
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