Oh my goodness! It has been a busy couple of months. As you know Sadie was sick mid January. High temp, then a wet cough. Then she seemed to get better for a few days, and then went back down hill again. At the end of week 4 of her still being sick I called her Dr and they started her on an antibiotic (did I not call that one? She always ends up on an antibiotic). We were guessing at that point she probably had a sinus infection. Who knows if that's what it was or not, but it worked. A 10 day course of amoxacillin and voila! she's back to healthy again. Or so we thought. We had a one healthy week and then back to a high temp and sleepy again. Really, again?
Yep! Luckily, it only lasted a week this time and then her body kicked back into healthy mode. Now we are just finishing up week 2 of being healthy and there are no signs of illness. Fingers crossed it stays that way, but I figure it's the end of winter and no one in the house is sick right now, we may be in the clear for a while. One can only hope, right?

So besides Sadie being sick for about 6-7 weeks, I also started a new job. I've been searching for a "work from home" job as an RN for the past 4 years. Never actually thought I would find one, but was hopeful. Well, I found one. My prayers were answered. I started the training a few weeks ago (you know, right in the middle of Sadie getting sick again, perfect timing. NOT!). So in a few months, when I'm deemed competent, I will be able to work from home. I'm praying this all goes as well as I'm planning and playing it out to be in my mind. Again, only time will tell.
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