What?! She is being admitted to the hospital? That is the last place I thought I was going to find Sadie and myself Saturday night. And the story begins like this...
I worked Friday night just like usual. I came home from a crazy night at work, completely exhausted, loved on my girls for a little bit before I crashed hard in bed. After what felt like a few minutes (technically 5 hours) my husband woke me up and said that Sadie is not tolerating her food and has really bad diarrhea. I told him to slow her feed down and decrease the amount. He stated he already did that and it didn't seem to improve anything. I figured this was all do to changing her formula, no need to worry. Just had to come up with another plan for her food intake. No big deal, we do this all the time. Then he adds "You need to come look at her too, she has blood coming from her ear." This made me sit straight up and jump out of bed. This was something to worry about and a big deal.
After looking and thinking about the possibilities of why her ear is bleeding, I came up with nothing. No signs of an ear infection; no fever. no discomfort laying down. no drainage, she's happy. I'm stumped, I called her pediatrician. Told her what was going on and she said "I don't think it is ER important, but I think she needs to go to urgent care tonight and not wait until Monday to be seen in the office." Great! Just how I want to spend my Saturday night and I am supposed to work. I call into work and tell them I will be late, but I am coming eventually.
Sadie and I get all bundled up and head to the urgent care. Sadie is not a happy camper. Screaming, dry heaving, gassy, and ripping at her ear that has blood dripping out of it. We get to the urgent care and she bites her tongue. We walk in and attempt to check in and the employees all start freaking out cause she has blood pouring out of her mouth and blood dripping from her ear and she is screaming. They rush her back into a triage room (I didn't tell them it was normal to have blood coming from her mouth from her biting, cause it was getting us back into a room quicker). I clean her all up and they do their thing with vitals and asking our reason for being there. I explain her current situation and an extremely brief history. After a moment of silence and her staring at Sadie with a confused look on her face, she finally snaps out of it and looks at the oxygen monitor. Sadie's oxygen level is in the mid 80's. She then takes us back to another room puts oxygen on her and says she is getting the Dr. right away. A few minutes later a Dr. walks in asks why we are there and then says Sadie is way to complicated for their facility and sends us to the ER. What?
Sadie and I pile back into the car. Off to the ER we go. We get there and they pull her into a room immediately and put some oxygen on her even though at this point she is up to 95%. But again I wasn't going to complain, because it got us back into a room faster. The Dr's, and nurses come in and do their thing. All vitals are normal, no signs of infection, she is now calm. The blood coming from her ear has now stopped or slowed way down. They look in her ear and can't see anything cause of the blood pooling, but they can see that her ear tube is floating around in her ear. Not good. They order a chest x ray and a urine sample. Both came back normal. They took her off the oxygen to see what happens. She is doing great. No drops in oxygen level. She is happy. They decide that she has an ear infection and explain her oxygen level dropping earlier cause she was mad. OK I'll buy it. Give me a prescription and discharge papers and we will be on our way. They all leave the room. We wait, and wait and wait for our discharge papers.
Next thing I know the Dr comes in and says that after discussing her case with another Dr they want to order a head CT to rule out that she has not had a stroke and they want to admit her to watch her breathing and oxygen level. WHAT!!! Where did this come from? The Dr explains that since Sadie has blood coming from her ear without signs of infection, the fact that she has unexplained oxygen drops while awake and sleeping, and that she had been watching Sadie breath and it was irregular. It just made them uncomfortable sending her home without more answers.
Off to CT she goes. Amazingly she cooperated well and held still with no crying. We wait for what seems like eternity with all these awful thoughts going on in my head. Finally, they come in and explain that we were still down in ER cause they didn't know what floor to put her on and that they were still waiting for her CT scans. So again we wait, and wait, and wait. Finally they came in with the good news that it was not a stroke. Hooray! The scan showed a really bad ear infection. They could of course see the blood and see that her mastoid bone was inflamed and so was the tissue that surrounded it. My poor baby. How could that not be painful? As I've said before though, Sadie does not feel pain, especially when it comes to things in her head and face.
So finally we are escorted to her room. By this time it is 1am. We are exhausted. Time to sleep for a few hours...
I worked Friday night just like usual. I came home from a crazy night at work, completely exhausted, loved on my girls for a little bit before I crashed hard in bed. After what felt like a few minutes (technically 5 hours) my husband woke me up and said that Sadie is not tolerating her food and has really bad diarrhea. I told him to slow her feed down and decrease the amount. He stated he already did that and it didn't seem to improve anything. I figured this was all do to changing her formula, no need to worry. Just had to come up with another plan for her food intake. No big deal, we do this all the time. Then he adds "You need to come look at her too, she has blood coming from her ear." This made me sit straight up and jump out of bed. This was something to worry about and a big deal.
After looking and thinking about the possibilities of why her ear is bleeding, I came up with nothing. No signs of an ear infection; no fever. no discomfort laying down. no drainage, she's happy. I'm stumped, I called her pediatrician. Told her what was going on and she said "I don't think it is ER important, but I think she needs to go to urgent care tonight and not wait until Monday to be seen in the office." Great! Just how I want to spend my Saturday night and I am supposed to work. I call into work and tell them I will be late, but I am coming eventually.
Sadie and I get all bundled up and head to the urgent care. Sadie is not a happy camper. Screaming, dry heaving, gassy, and ripping at her ear that has blood dripping out of it. We get to the urgent care and she bites her tongue. We walk in and attempt to check in and the employees all start freaking out cause she has blood pouring out of her mouth and blood dripping from her ear and she is screaming. They rush her back into a triage room (I didn't tell them it was normal to have blood coming from her mouth from her biting, cause it was getting us back into a room quicker). I clean her all up and they do their thing with vitals and asking our reason for being there. I explain her current situation and an extremely brief history. After a moment of silence and her staring at Sadie with a confused look on her face, she finally snaps out of it and looks at the oxygen monitor. Sadie's oxygen level is in the mid 80's. She then takes us back to another room puts oxygen on her and says she is getting the Dr. right away. A few minutes later a Dr. walks in asks why we are there and then says Sadie is way to complicated for their facility and sends us to the ER. What?
Sadie and I pile back into the car. Off to the ER we go. We get there and they pull her into a room immediately and put some oxygen on her even though at this point she is up to 95%. But again I wasn't going to complain, because it got us back into a room faster. The Dr's, and nurses come in and do their thing. All vitals are normal, no signs of infection, she is now calm. The blood coming from her ear has now stopped or slowed way down. They look in her ear and can't see anything cause of the blood pooling, but they can see that her ear tube is floating around in her ear. Not good. They order a chest x ray and a urine sample. Both came back normal. They took her off the oxygen to see what happens. She is doing great. No drops in oxygen level. She is happy. They decide that she has an ear infection and explain her oxygen level dropping earlier cause she was mad. OK I'll buy it. Give me a prescription and discharge papers and we will be on our way. They all leave the room. We wait, and wait and wait for our discharge papers.
Next thing I know the Dr comes in and says that after discussing her case with another Dr they want to order a head CT to rule out that she has not had a stroke and they want to admit her to watch her breathing and oxygen level. WHAT!!! Where did this come from? The Dr explains that since Sadie has blood coming from her ear without signs of infection, the fact that she has unexplained oxygen drops while awake and sleeping, and that she had been watching Sadie breath and it was irregular. It just made them uncomfortable sending her home without more answers.
Off to CT she goes. Amazingly she cooperated well and held still with no crying. We wait for what seems like eternity with all these awful thoughts going on in my head. Finally, they come in and explain that we were still down in ER cause they didn't know what floor to put her on and that they were still waiting for her CT scans. So again we wait, and wait, and wait. Finally they came in with the good news that it was not a stroke. Hooray! The scan showed a really bad ear infection. They could of course see the blood and see that her mastoid bone was inflamed and so was the tissue that surrounded it. My poor baby. How could that not be painful? As I've said before though, Sadie does not feel pain, especially when it comes to things in her head and face.
So finally we are escorted to her room. By this time it is 1am. We are exhausted. Time to sleep for a few hours...
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