January 09, 2013

ENT check up...So complicated

   So we went yesterday to the ENT to make sure the tubes in Sadie's ears were doing ok.  Everything was good; no drainage, no sign of infection, tubes were still in.  Perfect.  Then we start discussing her hearing tests.  No, I was not expecting a miracle like she can hear now.  I was hoping that it would say that she could hear a little bit clearer.  No such luck.  It shows that she is profoundly deaf in both ears.  However, this time it did not show the she has auditory neuropathy is stated that she has sensorineural hearing loss.  Which means that it is more of an inner ear problem, not the cranial nerve.
   This is just flat out frustrating!  She has had 4 BAER tests.  And every single one of them has said something different.  I try to look at the overall picture that clearly says Sadie is deaf and I try not to get hung up on the small details.  I've never argued that.  However, how we go about treating it can be significantly different.  Why can't anything just be simple and straight forward when it comes to Sadie.  I am so tired of this guessing game with her.  I just want a black and white picture for once.
  Why does it matter?  It probably doesn't matter that much, cause we are probably only going to try hearing aids with her and primarily use sign language with her.  It's just the point that I can't even get a direct flat out answer on her hearing.  I would think that this should be an easy black and white answer.
  Why is everything in Sadie's life have to be so complicated?  Is it?  Or do I make it more complicated?  Am I not excepting things for what they are?  Am I trying to change things that just can't be changed?  I didn't think that I was.  I really thought that I excepted everything for what it is, who she is.  My goal for her is to make sure she has the best quality of life.  That's all that I want for her.  Why do things have to be so complicated!!!

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