January 22, 2013


  It is hard to take out my feelings when it comes to Sadie.  What do I mean?   To me her life is not normal. I feel bad for her.  I feel bad that she can't hear.  I feel bad that she can't sit up by herself.  I feel bad that she can't walk or even stand up yet.  I feel bad that even though she is learning to roll over,  that some days she does not have enough energy to rollover.  I feel bad she just lays there day after day after day.  I feel bad that she is not "talking".  I feel bad that she does not like to be held, so she misses out on being rocked and carried around or just sitting on our lap.  I feel bad cause I think she is bored.  I feel bad cause I feel like a neglect her.
  But when I take out my feelings and just observe her... Sadie is a baby that is happy, content, smiley, even giggly on some days.  She does not know any different.  This is her normal.   She doesn't know that she is supposed to be crawling, walking, playing, hearing, eating by mouth, "talking".
  What is normal?  According to Bing dictionary:  1. usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom  2. healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy  3. occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state.
  According to that definition, Sadie is normal. She is conforming slower then the typical developing child, but she is conforming (it does not say how fast one has to conform).  She is healthy in all 3 of those aspects.  And everything that is going on with her is occurring naturally in a natural state. 
  So who wants to argue with me that she is not normal? Normal is what you expect in your own life. This is what she expects in her life.  As her mom I want to be an educator to her, my other girls, and to all others that I come in contact with that we are all normal, whatever our normal may be.  I want to teach people to not be shy, to know how to react around her as she grows up, to step up and interact with her, to see that she is actually normal.

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